Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Hair Hacks For All Hair Types!

So today's life hacks are all about my favourite subject; hair!
If, like me, you are obsessed with your hair then you will enjoy these hair hacks! 

Some of these you may have heard of, others you may not have but I use each of these hair hacks for my own hair all the time :-) 

If you want to have hair that's more manageable, healthier and less time consuming then just keep reading ;-)

1️⃣ Extra Soft Hair 
This one is just so easy, you can use an old empty spray bottle and add in a few spoons of conditioner and add a lot of water and mix. You've got yourself a simple leave in conditioner that does the job! 

2️⃣ Frizz Free
Use a T-shirt as a Hair Towel. Its great for less frizz and breakage!

3️⃣ Talc = Greasy Roots BFF
Talcum Powder as Dry Shampoo, who knew? I have dark roots so I powder my talc on with a makeup brush! 
If you've still got that gray tinge going on then add some dark eye shadow to your roots :-)

4️⃣ Hair Thinning or Bald Spot?
Just as before, adding an eyeshadow that's similar to your hair colour can create the illusion of fuller hair! You can also use this trick to temporarily cover grays :-)  

5️⃣ For That Shine Though
Add some oils to the end of your hair for that extra sine. I use Argan Oil. 

6️⃣ Root Concealer 
I recently started using the new Loreal root concealer and it's perfect for regrowth or grays! You can also use mascara for this as it also temporarily masks your roots! 

7️⃣ Knot Free Locks
Brush hair before you wash it- never brush wet hair - this will make your hair way more manageable!

8️⃣ Flyaways & Frizz
If using a hair dryer always have the hair dryer pointed downwards to prevent flyaways and frizz. Also, just a quick side note- NEVER let your hair dryer touch your hair directly as it can singe your hair!!!
Also you can take flyaways and frizz by applying hair spray and combing it down with a toothbrush! 

9️⃣ Sweet Smelling Hair
Spray perfume in your hairbrush for nicer smelling hair 

🔟 Oily Forehead = Greasy Bangs
If you struggle with your oily skin making your hair greasy then apply hair spray to the under layer of your fringe or side bangs to create a barrier between your hair and your skin :-) this also works well if your fringe is making you break out!!! 

I hope you guys and gals enjoyed this hair hack post, if you have any other hair hacks let me know what they are in the comments below :-) 

Love & Hugs, Lora xo 

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