Wednesday, 27 May 2015

The Liebster Award Tag! Get to Know Me.

I was nominated by Sophie to do the Liebster tag, thank you Sophie for the tag! :-)

The Liebster Award is an amazing way for bloggers to connect with each other and for smaller blogs to gain more recognition!

Rules of the Tag are:

1. Thank and link the person who nominated you.
2. Answer the nominator's eleven questions.
3. Nominate small blogs who have less than 200 followers. You should believe that they deserve this award and don't forget to link their blogs in your post!
4.  Create eleven new questions for your nominees to answer.
5. Notify your nominees via social media/blog.

So! If you are interested in learing a bit more about me then just keep reading ;-)
These are Sophie's questions;

1. Why did you start your own blog?
I started my blog as a way to connect with people over the things that I love and to share my ideas, tips and tricks that I have gathered over the years ;-)

2. Who's your favourite blog inspiration?
My favourite blog inspiration would have to be Daisyperson, her blog style and design is so stunning to me, and her blog posts are always interesting and well written :-)

3. Favourite Lipstick?
My favourite lipstick changes all the time, but over the last few months (since I got it) I have been absolutely LOVING my £1 nude 'Me Now' liquid lipstick, which I did a review about here :-) 

4. Ultimate Day Out?
My ultimate day out would have to be a trip to either Boots or Debemhams to get makeup! And it would have to be a really sunny day too ;-)

5. What do you see yourself doing in 10 years?
Wow, 10 years is a long time! I've just finished an honours degree (like literally, today!) and I would love to open up my own business in the next 10 years, but most importantly I want to remain truly, genuinely and intensely happy! :-)

6. Icecream or Sweets?
Ice Cream! Chocolate ice cream :-P

7. Do you prefer Twitter or Youtube? Why?
I only recently got back into Twitter but I definitely prefer YouTube, I always have it on when I'm at home. If you guys have any suggestions for any beauty YouTubers I should follow, let me know below :-)

8. Favourite Youtuber?
Kathleen Lights without a doubt, she is such a sweet heart and her videos light up my day, if you don't know her already you should definitely check her out :-)

9. Do you have a Youtube Channel? If not, why?
I do, and it's literally only to subscribe to channels and like videos! But I do want to venture into the world of making my own YouTube videos some day :-P

10. IPhone or Samsung?
I have an IPhone at the minute, and I've never owned a Samsung! But holy moley I have so many issues with my IPhone that maybe I should try out a Samsung!

11. What do you prefer Home or Away?
I do love going away and visiting other countries and counties of Ireland but there's no place like home (and my bed :-P)

I would like to tag;
Feel free to play along!

My questions are;
1. What is your favourite make up brand?
2. Cats or dogs?
3. What is the one product you could never live without?
4. Sweet or savoury?
5. Where did you buy your latest make up product?
6. Your favourite place to buy clothes?
7. Instagram or Twitter?
8. What was your first ever lipstick?
9. Who is your favourite blogger?
10. What 3 things would you bring to a desert island?
11. What are your favourite type of blog posts to read?


  1. I enjoyed reading this post. xx

